Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A little man...with his milk & cereal

My son, Nathan, recently reached the five month mark and is slowly learning to sit without support. I stalk Pinterest like crazy and found this REALLY cute idea to do for his 5 month photo shoot. Well I got the props but have been sooo busy and well yeah, a bit lazy in doing them. haha Finally one day I quickly put everything together in my backyard (more like patio) and had my 7 yr old hold him in the bowl while I quickly snapped a few shots. Then while the girls ran around and he threw a hissy fit, I quickly edited them (could be better but considering the circumstances it was all I could work with). So here they are...a little man with his milk & cereal. Oh btw, those are not fruit loops, they are CHEERIOS :)

He was very curious about the Cheerios :P

No worries, SAFETY FIRST...my 7 yr old is holding him but I
edited her out to make it look like he's hanging out by himself :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

A little background....

Welcome to CJC Photography! My name is Amanda and I recently have fallen for a love of photography. I have always enjoyed taking photos of my own children and deep down I wanted a nice professional camera of my own; mostly to take pictures of my own kids and whatnot. Well in March of this year my husband surprised me and bought me a Canon Rebel T3. I am IN LOVE...of course, I would die to have some nifty lenses but right now I am soaking up the fun of the little nuts and bolts from this handy thing.

CJC is very very important to me....and it didn't take me long to decide for sure that this is the name I wanted for my business. My children are my absolute world and I have to incorporate them into my business. Therefore CJC stands for Creigh Jade Charles, the middle initials of each of my children. :)

I hope you enjoy the photos I have taken so far and feel free to continue following along as I continue to grow with my business. I love love LOVE natural lifetstyle photos...I do a few portrait but mostly favor lifestyle. You will hear me say over and over how much I love sunset. It gives the most beautiful magical glow and highlights all the wonderful memories that are captured with the snap of my camera.