

Here is the deal ladies...

I know so many of you want to do this boudoir session...but we have run into some conflict.

No worries, we will get this ALL figured out because I truly feel each and every one of you deserve a day of fun!

So if I book a is going to be expensive. :/ It is AWESOME for location and great ideas BUT it burns a hole in our pockets.

I am thinking..and yes, please share some ideas or thoughts...but I am thinking about keeping it at the
$100 price and making my own "studio" at my home where we can have the sessions.

Also, I found a professional airbrush makeup and hair artist. She is AH-MAZING! For an $55 she can do your hair and make up at location.

So if you are interested, let me know. But I totally want to do this session and really think a lot of you would enjoy it. I made this blog so I don't kill the FB newsfeed with boudoir talk. lol

Please let me know what you think! Also, share with your girlfriends! :)

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